You said: "I’m still frustrated by my laziness when it comes to counting. I do it when it’s important, but I need it to become second nature."
BOY, DO I HEAR YOU! I am CONSTANTLY losing focus, not counting, not giving/reading signals, etc, etc! (BTW, you must do it even when it ISN'T important, for it to truly become second nature.)
I have been trying for at least a week to get unsubsidized and get a refund. Now please. JOHN LAWLER
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You said: "I’m still frustrated by my laziness when it comes to counting. I do it when it’s important, but I need it to become second nature."
BOY, DO I HEAR YOU! I am CONSTANTLY losing focus, not counting, not giving/reading signals, etc, etc! (BTW, you must do it even when it ISN'T important, for it to truly become second nature.)
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